The silence continues, with the occasional croak or squeak from me. curse my tonsils... or whatever it is that always makes me lose my voice when I get a cold. I don't feel too bad now, much better than earlier this weekend, but I still sound horrendous so have decided to try and take things easy and work from home tomorrow, at least until the evening when I have to drive up to Chorley. No point overdoing it even more.
that said I haven't exactly lain on the sofa in recovery today. after lying on the sofa all day yesterday (once we got home from Repton), I decided that today's medecine was fresh air (as opposed to saturday's attempt at self-healing by "drinking through the pain"...).
So Emma, Paul and I chose to partake in a local cultural activity - namely watching mad locals throw themselves down a very steep muddy slope in the hope of winning an 8lb piece of cheese. Nutters. As Paul sensibly pointed out, what's the point of trying to catch up with a cheese which, by the very laws of physics, is always going to be faster that a person? Now I'm no physics expert as my dad will support, but even I can see the logic of that statement. Anyway, I'm all for the entertainment factor if not the common sense argument, so along we went.
The car park was closed due to the muddiness so we drove to a nearby spot - with a few diversions due to my inability to read maps - yes I am that typical woman - (and yes it's only 10 mins away from my house...but we were trying to avoid the traffic). We then trooped past the reservoir and up the muddy hill to join thousands (literally) of others who had also swarmed there from miles around. the sun was out, the cheese was rolling, there were mad people throwing themselves down and mad people trying to race up the slope. all was going well. there was even one lass in union jack vest and pants (which got a large cheer and 2 blokes hanging on for dear life to the top of a tree to get a good view. There were St John's ambulance people stretchering someone off the slope - not sure if it was a participant or a poor unsuspecting spectator hit by a cheese. They got the biggest cheer when they got their patient to the bottom.
Then it started to rain!
Then it started to hail!
Big Time!
But that just added to the fun. We left and slid our way back to the car, and the sun returned.
Afterwards Emma and I went to a local street fair to meet some friends. It was really nice, with little stalls and a band playing and the sun shining. we stood outside the pub having a drink, and then the rain came back, but in true British style everyone just put up their brollies or hid under awnings and carried on drinking till the shower passed.
So - a good day, with 2 pairs of trousers in the wash and the fresh air requirement fulfilled. back to that sofa.
Forgive The Beatles Sgt. Pepper reference, it came out of nowhere but just
felt appropriate, so given the “occasion”, I’m sticking with it as this
blogs ti...
6 years ago
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