a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I've not really had much time to think about my birthday this year what with work, weekends away, weddings, washing, and all other "w" related things. But I think what i would most like for my birthday is..... um....well... not sure really. maybe...

a new job
a cleaner
a cat that doesn't wake me up in the mornings
calorie free red wine
an afternoon off.

well I will get the afternoon off anyway as I booked it today. so tomorrow I will turn off my phone, get my hair cut and buy myself a book and read it. how exciting.


Amy said...

Happy Birthday Wend!

BTW why do you want a new job?

Aims x

notquiteginger said...

one that involves more interesting work, less travel and pays more. such is life...