a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I like driving in my car..

Well I do now that I have an MX5!!!!!! Oh yes, oh boy, I'm a chick with a convertible!!!! It's ace!!! I can't use enough exclamation marks to try and convey the big cheesy grin that has been permanently plastered on my face since I picked it up this morning!

Being shallow is great. who needs Maslow's hierachy of needs.... Food? pah!, Shelter? double pah!.... Self-actualisation? ... Who gives a toss about "realising my own potential for self-development"? I say give me a convertible and I've reached my peak.

...Actually I guess, on reflection, the MX5 meets my social and self-esteem needs (and maybe my shelter when I have to live in it because I can't pay my mortgage for the petrol costs).

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