a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Sunday, August 10, 2008

always take the weather with you

no reason for the post title, except that the weather can't make its mind up today. ONe minute it rains, the next its sunny. still the garden is happy.

we've had a nice relaxed, if somewhat alcoholic weekend. both evenings have been spent just catching up with friends, and the days have involved a little shopping (wedding related of course) and cleaning (the house was in a disgusting state, and still aint great - but getting better. I'm writing this to give me a quick break before I return to the duster and hoover).

we're managing to get the final bits and bobs sorted out for the wedding. Still have a few people to chase for invite replies, bought our wedding rings last weekend which was fun, and have sorted table decorations (finally!).

so, just have to get through the next 5 weeks without putting on too much weight, which, with all the travelling I am doing with work, may not be the easiest challenge. I've gone for the approach of drinking loads nad loads of water to try adn help my skin and stop the eczma which is really doing my head in on my hands. only problem is i am spending most of the day on the loo! :-)

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