a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I was checking out Amazon wish lists (for want of anything better to do whilst the boy canoes)and was somewhat concerned by a namesake's choice of desires - well (singular)desire to be precise. one thing on the list - the Lizzie McGuire Movie. and she makes it clear that she's a MRS so she can't exactly be a young'un. Anyway, i want to make it clear that my list is the OTHER one, the one that says I have red hair and not the one from Wakefield (although to be fair I once wa from Wakefield, and my hair was much redder then too... ooh the mid boggles). that said my choices aren't exactly hip, happening and down with the kids but hey, it could more shameful...

ANYWAY. the other disturbing thing about the wish list is that in seaching for my beloved's wish list, I found it. not difficult really desipte his common name he helpfully had put in his location, and anyway, given his taste is similar to mine I coudl haev probably worked it out... apart from THIS, which was a little disturbing to say the least. he claims it was a possible christmas present for me... I'm not so sure. So very wrong.


Mad said...

Tee hee hee. He has such hidden depths!! (Says the woman who is married to the man with this on his wishlish... at least knitting won't affect your wasitline!!)

Anonymous said...

Maybe it contains the instructions to knit your own wetsuit or crochet a kayak......
