And so the boy starts to bring over his boxes of “stuff”. We’ve reviewed the CD’s. generally there’s a healthy balance, but he has to remove Madonna and Robbie, and I have to lose the BeeGees and Lionel Richie. Not a great hardship on either side really as the crossover (intersection?) of our CD choice venn diagram is pretty large. Oo get me with my mathematical terms….
So, back to the moving in. well the Ikea trips were semi-successful and we have shelving for the many books but no desk, although to be fair we have 2 desks between us anyway, we just don’t like either of them – but 3 desks may end up being a little excessive. My parent’s garage is a dumping ground for all things car-boot-sale-bound. This is planned for the weekend after next, Paul’s not a big fan of them as it involves getting up early on a weekend PLUS, the baring of your soul (and worldly goods)l to random strangers. It’s a fair point, that thing you thought worth buying 5 years ago which is now just an embarrassment when laid out on a pasting table set up in a random field.
The canoe dilemma still exists. Even if I could get in the door for the shed I doubt it is long/tall enough. I’m not a fan of the suggestion that we suspend it from the ceiling in a display of post-modern/ironic art. Looks like we’ll be sticking it in the corner of the garden then,
So slowly but surely we edge towards D Day, which is the middle of next week. But before that we have the delights of a brass band in Sutton Colefield, and a bbq in north wales with the Haigh clan. Rock on.
Forgive The Beatles Sgt. Pepper reference, it came out of nowhere but just
felt appropriate, so given the “occasion”, I’m sticking with it as this
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6 years ago
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