a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Monday, January 24, 2005

ouch ouch ouch

A painful weekend. I had jabs in both arms on Friday afternoon to prepare for Eygpt. Diptheria, polio and tetanus in my left, Hepatitus A in my right. - not a sugarlump in sight :-( My left arm was very sore all weekend and I made sure that people around me knew it (it's SO annoying when there's no bruises or similar to show for the pain). The discomfort was just about subsiding yesterday afternoon when I walked barefoot into the wooden base of my sofa - hard. Ouch. Lots of swearing at the cats and jumping up and down. Why didn't I wear my new slippers that S gave me for Christmas????
Last night my little toe went light blue, today it's moving towards black and the bruise is spreading. I'm limping like a wuss. I think it may be broken but who knows. Not much I can do about it. Everyone here at work seems to assume I was pissed at the time. In fact I was hoovering. Always knew it was a dangerous sport.
So tomorrow I have to attend an assessment centre with a broken toe, that'll impress 'em!

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