a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Friday, January 14, 2005


so the weekend looms again. I write this at work, living in fear that I may have to sack myself for inappropriate comments about my employer - not that I ever write any cos they're quite nice as opposed to some others I have been reading about on various blogs.

It's a tough call reading that detail, as an HR professional, but also as a blogger. I'm trying to see both sides and would like to know a bit more about the facts, but at the end of the day, I think that there needs to be a balance. For example an employee has a responsibility beyond the time they step out of the employer's door. If they are wearing they work uniform and verbally attack a little old lady they will be bringing the company into disrepute. But it is really in the same vein to be simply putting your thoughts and views in writing and happen to mention how you feel about something related to work?

On the other hand, does an employee have a responsibility not to promote bad publicity about their employer? - to me that is implied in their employment contract.

Whatever the answer, it does seem to be a heavy-handed response when the guy had offered to remove it. I don't think they'd win at a tribunal. Hmmm.. interesting ... perhaps I'll do a Phd on it. I hear they're dead easy to do.

Anyway onto more mundane things - I'm now officially NOT FAT. Having reached my goal weight, becoming a Weightwatchers Gold member, and being able to stuff my face with doughnuts for the rest of eternity without putting on a single pound! (Oh, is that not how it works? What do you mean it simply means I don't have to pay to attend meetings - damn!). I went out for a fab Thai meal with Fraser and Heather Rooke to celebrate, and to catch up on the gossip and say tara to the Burrundi boy.

So the weekend looms - I've been conned into going to see a very scary film tonight (White Noise) which I'm looking forward to with about the same amount of enthusiasm as Joan of Arc probably felt about that bonfire she got invited to. Still it means I score enough points to drag him to Vanity Fair next week.

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