Got thoroughly pissed off today with people generally moaning about "HR people", probably my hormones but it really narks me that we all get lumped into the same boat. I guess estate agents and traffic wardens have the same problem but it's so frustrating when people seem to think they have the right to slag off your profession, and therefore ultimately you, at every possible opportunity. Ok, so sometimes we make mistakes, or we're not perfect, and I accept that in most cases, when things go wrong in HR they have a big impact on people and their personal circumstances, but contrary to popular belief we do our jobs cause we care about people and want to make their working lives better. It's the whinging tossers that grind down the people who care so that we either leave or become the cynical bastards that perpetuate the stereotype.
This particular prat wasn't even directing his criticism at me, rather my predecessors but the incessant complaining just gets me down. I'm good at my job and just wish people would take me as an individual not a stereotype.
so there.
and yes I have PMT.