a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Monday, September 28, 2009

parenting seems to be simply another word for worry. I'm a pretty laid back person, so have taken this pregnancy with my usual approach to life and have not really worried unnecessarily with the long list of things that I'm seemingly supposed to freak out. Reading the websites and magazines as I have a tendency to do, it seems that it would be possible to completely wind yourself up over this whole process, freaking out about what you should/shouldn't do, what could/couldn't happen etc etc. the lady doing my 20 week scan started the discussion with "please tell me you haven't been researching on the internet have you..." which I thought was quite telling. In these days of information, sometimes knowing too much can be a bad thing.

The problem is that no matter how chilled I am, there is always something to niggle me, and despite my natural optimism that things will turn out ok, and if they won't there's not much I can do about it, I have spent the last 24 hours worrying about the fact that my baby is not moving about as much as I'd like. I blame my mate Emma who was worrying about her baby the other day, and got me thinking too much. I'm sure there probably hasn't been too much change, and that the fact that I have more time to think about it it more the issue that an actual change in movement pattern, but its hard to know, and it what is keeping me awake at 5.30am this morning hence the timing of this post. I guess this is what midwives are for, so perhaps will give mine a bell tomorrow just to put my mind at rest.

Blimey I have another 18 years of this....

1 comment:

Bubble's Mum said...

Wendy, Imogen did that - although not so late on - and all it took was a visit to the midwife and a listen to the heart beat to reassure me. Some babies do move less later in pregnancy (as there's less room for them to move!), but a quick phone call/visit to the MW is what you need! Take care and let me know if there's anything I can do. Cx