a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Friday, February 15, 2008


so i think without realising it I was under some kind of test to see if he could put up with me for 5 solid weeks.... seems I passed anyway as the day after we got back from our travels the lovely Mr Ellis asked me to marry him and I said yes. Woohoo!

We were having a wander round Colesbourne Park which opens for a couple of weekends in Feb to show off their snowdrops, and it was bloomin cold so I was wrapped up in all my warm coat, scarf and hat so didn't feel at my most attractive, but luckily that didn't seem to put him off.

we went up to the jewllery quarter in birmingham and bought a rather nice ring so now its all official! wedding mayhem ahoy......!

1 comment:

Mad said...

Bless! Whatever you do, don't buy wedding magazines - they are like porn in sooo many ways - and you'll find yourself worrying about co-ordinating your underwear with the table favours! However, it is great fun, so enjoy it! Mxx