a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Monday, December 13, 2004

new job!!!

Monday afternoon and the world is fine. Yes I am writing this at work, but that is because today I will be mostly being a receptionist. Oh yes, is there no end to my talents!!!

Once I'd got over my fear of the switchboard, and mastered the art of calculating 3 x 28pence for the many employees who come and buy stamps for their Christmas cards, the rest was a breeze!! I still have a slight fear of the DHL man, and I'm suppressing the urge to sing "You never close your eyes any more when I kiss your lips.." over the tannoy... but in all I'd say this has been an good experience.

There's periods of mind-numbing boredom, interspersed with sheer chaos as the phones are ringing, the visitors arriving, employees chatting and e-mails "bringing". High powered stuff I can tell you!!!

And why am I here... well my management books tell me to occasionally roll up my sleeves and get on down with the workers. So when my afternoon receptionist called in sick I decided it was time to mingle with the real people. After all, how can you manage them when you're terrified of the equipment they use.

and it seems I'm not too bad at it. A cheery smile is my forte, I have no nails to file and I've already read last weeks Heat magazine and Hello isn't my cup of tea, so I'm the perfect (if somewhat overpaid) option!!!

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