a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Thursday, December 02, 2004


Ok I’ll stop whinging now and try and write something that people must not want to throw me out of windows for! Life got a bit depressing due to high workloads but I need to chill out today as I had to go back to the nurse for another blood pressure check yesterday and it was still high. I was hopeful that losing weight would make a difference but clearly not. Perhaps I’m just naturally a high blood pressure person – must be a redhead thing. I don’t shout, just get my blood boiling instead!

So onto happier things, well it’s Thursday, and I have Friday off which makes effectively Friday! I’m out tomorrow night celebrating a friends 40th – how scary is it that I have friends who are 40…..! Then on Sat I get to dress up as a Mexican and drink tequila – fabbo!

Christmas shopping is taking it’s toll. I may try and get some more done tomorrow but it’s all such hard work. But in a way the idea of buying things on the internet just doesn’t really work for me, it’s like you loose a bit of the Christmas vibe if you don’t get stressed in Boots, want to karate-chop the little old lady in the queue in front of you and run screaming through the streets wearing nothing but tinsel and reindeer deely boppers shouting “bah humbug”.

The other exciting thing is my living room is about to change colour. God I hope I like it, interior decoration was never really my forte, as those who saw the living room in my last house would agree!

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