a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

oh dear

it's only 7.30 and I'm drunk. shame on me for a wednesady, oh no it's a tuesday. oh dear. i have been sat in the same pub on sunday evening, monday evening and tuesday evening after work (well on sunday it was actually before work as I then drove down to london to be prepared for an early starting course on the monday). shocking behaviour for a nearly 31 year old.

so in all life is ok. my sisters anniversary (congrats by the way - oh how I wish I could still fit into that bridesmaid dress - nearly there...). 11lbs lighter than 2 months ago but no real difference in how I look, although I'm sure the excess drinking will take that back a few pounds - still if you can't do it on the run up to your birthday when can you! In all, life is pretty good and I am smiling inanely at my cats. bless 'em.

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