a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Sunday, March 15, 2015

2 years on...

and so much has happened!  Today Ben lost his first tooth.  A big deal.

Yes this blog saw me through relationship cock ups, finally meeting 'the one', marriage, pregnancies and the world of the little toddler.  Then Facebook took over and I moved onto snappy one liners to update my life on a daily basis.  Some days I miss putting down a bit more detail so, although it may be a temporary reprise, I'd like to try and record a little more.

Ben was beside himself with excitement on losing the tooth, which he has been wiggling for days.  I have to admit I am a little gutted about the loss of his lovely looks to one with a wierd gap in his gnashers, but his excitement was infectious and he leapt upstairs at the sign of bath/bedtime in his enthusiasm to get to sleep to allow for the tooth fairy's visit.
I had intended to place 50p under the pillow which seemed reasonable but Paul had already shined up a nice £1 coin so who am I to deprive the boy from more spending power.  I have a horrible feeling the morning will come even earlier than 5.59am start I had today.
On which note, Rebecca has spent the last 2 months coming into out bed anytime between midnight and 3am, something which we keep meaning to get around to resolving but never quite managing to get the strength or determination to see through.  We are the epitome of slack parents.

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