a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

another 4am post

well U decided a week or so ago to make the most of my insomnia time by watching DVD's and entering crappy competitions on the internet. It seemed a sensible way to while the sleepless hours before this baby arrives, and assuming I don't manage to carry on when it comes, at least there is a chance I will win something from my MANY entries this month. I'll let you know!

my blood pressure has been monitored over the past few days as it is a little high (although it always has been) - and today I was threatened with being made to go in for monitoring if it remained high. I tried to stay nice and calm before my appointment, not easy when you go to the wrong surgery and have to then drive half way across town! But luckily it had come down so I got released without charge temporarily, just haev to make sure I don't get any swelling or headaches.

1 comment:

Mad said...

High blood pressure's a bit poo - been there, done that, sadly. Monitoring's ok though - I used to lie there and listen to my hypno CD (in fact, that was a brilliant way to bring down my blood pressure). Something else that helped was relaxing in a bath with lavender oil mixed in with a splash of milk to prevent the oil-slick effect. Hope that it doesn't get any higher and that you stave off pre-eclampsia.