Millie has to go in for an operation today, she has problems with her thyroid gland which luckily have been caught early but require either a tablet a day or an op. given that she is only about 12, an op seems the better options as hopefully with luck she'll be about for a fair few years yet and at about £1 a tablet that cost racks up, the other motivaor is that after 2 weeks of trying to get her to eat the bloody tablets I would be a nercous wreck if I thought I had to do this every day for the rest of her life!
For the first week or so I managed to hide it in soft food she was delighted with the new diet, as it is much more interesting than the dried stuff she normally gets. Jess was over the moon as she got the interesting food without the tablet (she has put on weight over the past 2 weeks!). but very quickly she sussed out the plan and started to eat round the pill, and then not eat at all. Either due to the tablets or the illness she has been throwing up, and not eating, so I went to plan B which was hiding it in cream, salmon paste, anything basically that she might be interested in eating, But this also failed, So for the past few days we have had to hold her down and force the pill onto her. easier said than done, and a harsh lesson in parenting guilt for the both of us - although I'm hoping any child of mine won't leave me covered in scratches and bleeding quite so much!
At one point this evening on the 3rd attempt we thought we'd cracked it, with her having swallowed the pill and been released to go sulk. she meandered across the kitchen and after a fair few seconds she spat the pill across the room in such a derisory manner that Paul and I just pissed ourselves laughing at her attitude!
I'm obvioulsy nervous about her having the op later on today (probably part of the reason I am awake - as well as lying in bed obsessing about ice-cubes) but I hope that it works ok and she is back to her normal self - with attitude maintained of course, but her appetite also back......