a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Thursday, March 06, 2008

and so the first of many cheques get written....

we're on our way to the hotel this evening for discussions... very exciting, if only I weren't so knackered and longing for an evening on the sofa. I took my friend Clare to the hotel on Sunday, and we had a bit to eat and a good nose round the place and I still really liked it which was a bloody good job really. The food was good and it was super-busy as it was Mothers day so we decided that was a good sign.

The wedding dress shopping was good fun, although not helped by the bottle and a half of wine which i drank on the night before. the trouble with weekday abstinence is that I go mad on the Friday night. Anyway, the very first dress I tried on is the one that has stuck in my mind, but I am off to repeat the experience with mum and sis this Saturday so we will see what transpires then. There was one dress which I refused to even come out of the dressing room in, but I did give my "helpers" a quick flash so they could piss themselves laughing. I also tripped up on the "stand" due to my hungover state, so didn't really come out of the whole experience as a 'lady'. I've been told I should really order the dress by the end of the month which is good, I work better to deadlines and to be frank whilst it is good fun, I think you could possibly go mad and give yourself too many options and be right back at the start in terms of deciding on one. I could have a few though.... maybe one for the ceremony, one for the meal, one for the evening do, one for lying on the bar at the end of the night, one for ..... OK perhaps not!

On other preparation matters the issue of the invites has arisen. Paul;s mum is really good at cardmaking and has offered to make them. I'm happy with that option although my own mum is worried about the amount of work. but I have no plans for major frills and frippery so it should be a relatively simple option... well I HAD no plan, until I found a site that sells lots of card making stuff and I had a great time ordering some stuff to play about with. can't wait for the postman to deliver!!!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

still have 2 dates pencilled in my diary.......does this mean you have chosen one now??!! A girl needs to know, need to plan an outfit!!! :-)