a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Thursday, July 07, 2005

highs and lows

after the high of yesterdays olympic announcement comes the low of today's events. Anything you'd like to say seems a bit trite so I'll just say that as long as I live I will never understand the mentality of wankers who believe the slaughter of innocent people is a justifiable act.

On a lighter note (and back to my little world - which is a lot nicer to be honest..)

Question - what do you do when you think you've thrown away your new tax disc????

Answer - You thank you're lucky stars you were too much of a slob (or was that dirty stop out..?) to put the bin out this week and go trawling into your wheelie bin to find it. You then "whoop" with delight in the garden, and dance round the piles of discarded rubbish scaring the cats and attracting seriously odd looks from your neighbours

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