a scary insight into the mind of a ginger person

Friday, September 12, 2008

hopefully this will be my lsat 5am post because after tomorrow (tomorrow?! Yikes!) there shouldn't be anything for me to lkie in bed awake about. Cos it's all happily ever after from then on isn't it..... (isn't it??? but thats what happens in the films?!)

Sarah and Karen came over last night and we caught up over a chinese takeaway which was great. It was lovely to see Karen after so long, although it felt like only yesterday once she arrived!

The living room is awash with boxes, all labelled up for different people to take to different places. I need to write some instructions on the reception decorations, or I could just let someone else worry about it and see what happens!

Tomorrow - I mean today - will hopefully be fairly calm, but then again there is a bit of organisning to do. need to pick up suits etc, do a bit of faffing with printing stuff, buy some books for the honeymoon (oooh how romantic!!) pack... oh and a massage which will be nice!

so, here goes.....

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