Well we returned to the world of swaddling having bought a bigger piece of swaddling material - and it's having a positive effect. He's still up in the night but its only really once and we're feeling a lot more in control. He was really giggling at times this week which is great. I had a visit from the nappy lady this week - who works for the local authority promoting reusable nappies. She confused me a little and I need to do some more reading up but I now have a pile of different nappies to try out and possibly look to buying some to prevent a landfill disaster of my own making.
Paul's parents came this weekend and were brilliant at looking after Ben and giving us a little time to ourselves.
Forgive The Beatles Sgt. Pepper reference, it came out of nowhere but just
felt appropriate, so given the “occasion”, I’m sticking with it as this
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6 years ago